Online Group Coaching Options

Conscious Life Design Group Coaching

A client once exclaimed, “I wish I could just keep you in my back pocket for the rest of my life!” Personal transformation is a lifelong journey so I’ve created online communities to provide continued support and facilitation for my clients. The Conscious Life Design group is a private, online community of clients who have completed the 4 week program and are committed to continuing to consciously design their life. Having structures in place to support you on your path long term is the best way to create a life you love. Set yourself up for success!!! Participation is month to month with no minimum number of months required.

Dragonfly Transformations Group Coaching

The Dragonfly Transformations group is for those of you that have yet to powerfully invest in yourselves with laser-focused 1:1 coaching. It’s a great introduction to what’s possible with intuitive life coaching, personal empowerment, and conscious creation. In this private, online community, you will take unconditional responsibility for your life, learn how to embrace new ways of being, have fun playing with new practices in your life, and acquire some basic tools to support yourself on your life path. Participation is month to month with no minimum number of months required.

***A private, online Dragonfly Transformations Teen group is also available! Contact Krista for details.